Tuesday, August 26, 2008

shot of love

The photos are up from the casting call of A Shot of Love 3 on www.aidasecret.com. Yes, there has  been changes and it's not going to be Tila as the bisexual bachelorette for the season. Some chic at the party came up to tell me it's going to be one of the girls from Danity Kane but nobody knows for certain who. Hmmm? I have no clue who the individuals are in that group so I'm not too excited.

 Best photos are up on my flickr ---------->


The12thLetter said...

i don't get the female gender question. there are a lot of issues that could be brought up here.

Elaborate so that we can discuss. =)

lolitzjen said...

so like.. do you have any hott girls for me? =D i can't find your pics wtf. where where ! i love your pics tho and you AHAHAH JK about that well.. the pics part is true lol. awkwaard o_O jk