Tuesday, August 26, 2008

first day of the semester

I welcome Fall 2008 with open arms! This one is going to be a harsh one, very time consuming indeed with reporting and photo IV... damn you Prof. Kobre! Whatever, it was good seeing my photo gang again. The classes for all you stalkers:

- photo IV [color and lighting]
- reporting 
- film & society
- ethics in journalism [the course number is 666...wtf]

Don't worry people, Trina E. is going to graduate soon!

 On another note. I'm annoyed by the female gender but that's a different post all together. 

1 comment:

lolitzjen said...

soo. i wish i can do film and video. but i can't till i get my degree in accounting.. i'll be old and wrinkly by then :(

so.. will you take my wedding pictures ! well with my brother.. wait.. i don't even have anyone -_-

disregard.. sorta.