Friday, August 15, 2008

her name

So everything from my day dream came true except for the "conversation". It ended up that I did talk to her but only to ask for drinks and her name. So how did I come about asking for the name? Let's see. When I was sure I was tipsy, I ordered another round of drinks and then when she turned to walk away, I forced myself to say "Hey, what's your name?" She smiled, paused and damn got me to think "is she even going to tell me?" Finally, she said it. I feel like an idiot. WHY DO I DO THIS TO MYSELF?! lol

This crush is getting to me but whatever, it feels good. I know I don't have a chance but hey, it doesn't hurt to day dream right?

I probably sound like a complete loser right about now, talking about having crushes on bartenders so I'm just going to stop right here.
When something interesting really does happen with her....till then.

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