Thursday, August 28, 2008
Also, thanks to those who followed me to my new spot and is still keeping tabs with my [not so interesting] life and opinions. Totally appreciate the comments. You guys are awesome. HEART.
FYI. The heat is making me all hot and yeah....haha being on campus is not too bad during this weather.
Oh, try to catch Obama's speech tonight!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
shot of love

first day of the semester
Friday, August 22, 2008
casting call

Thursday, August 21, 2008
the show

Obama videos
My clips was taken by FOX NEWS.
What else is there to say? FOX NEWS is not journalism unless you are a Republican. By the way, the doof ball who made this video did a lot, I mean a lot of obvious editing.
Ok, I'm ready for the haters...bring it on!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Matilda Ledger
So these three great actors [my favs] filled in for Ledger's character in the movie he was filming, "The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus". Johnny Depp, Jude Law and Colin Farrell donated their salary from the movie to Matilda.
Wow, that totally made my day and I actually can't wait to see the film.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
bias doctors
Since I'm on a roll with gay issues, here's an article that I found about doctors denying treatment to patients due to their religious beliefs.
It will never end will it?
I grew up as Roman Catholic and I've always had this problem with my faith and sexual orientation. How am I suppose to be faithful to my religious beliefs and be true to who I am? Back in the day when I moved away from my parents to go off to college here in SF, I came to a point where I lost my faith. My mind wondered, searching and trying different things because like most kids, I was taking advantage of my freedom. I'm not going to go on and talk about the shit I did when I was a youngin' but, it did take me three years for me to realize where my faith stands. In the end, I came to the conclusion that if God is suppose to be an omniscient god [all knowing, all forgiving and all powerful] then He should already know that I'm gay and will always forgive me for it...riiight? Right, so that's my state of mind and I'm pretty much content with it. I won't get started with the church, my views on that differs way more. Small point, it's just another institution.
I believe in a God that already knows everything and forgives me for everything if I stay true to Him...and that's all that matters. Take that you bias doctors!
Monday, August 18, 2008
Ellen and Portia

To People Mag in 2005: "It's the first time that I've known in every cell of my being that I'm with somebody for the rest of my life."
Friday, August 15, 2008
her name
This crush is getting to me but whatever, it feels good. I know I don't have a chance but hey, it doesn't hurt to day dream right?
I probably sound like a complete loser right about now, talking about having crushes on bartenders so I'm just going to stop right here.
When something interesting really does happen with her....till then.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
the day dream
Once again, another Thursday night in the city. I walk in knowing already the faces I'm going to see but only one stands out from the rest of them...damn, that bartender. Knowing me, I rushed to the side of the bar where she's at, trying to make eye contact, waiting for her and only her to come to me. Two girl friends, one on each side of me telling me what they want to drink but she sees them, then sees me. Nothing. They leave after I tell them "I got you" and that's when she starts to make her way towards me. As fast as they left, she came up to where I'm standing, leans across the bar and waits for me to yell in her ear, "Three shots of patron, one redbull/vodka, and one corona." She smiles, nods and turns around to grab the drinks. As I wait, my eyes scans the crowd that's here tonight..."nah he bootsie, ew she ugly, damn are you foreal?" type shit running through my head. Acting like I wasn't paying attention to her at all, she suddenly appears with my drinks and screams, "16 dollars!" I throw down the money, leave her a tip, turn and shove my way through the crowd.
12:30 AM
Dancing my life away with a drink in my hand, it looks blue so I'm assuming an AMF. Music is starting to change, I feel the DJ mixing his way out of "don't stop believing..." and towards "please don't stop the music". Urgh, ofcourse. Now I need a stog. I force my way through the piss infested hallway that leads to the back where I can get some kind of fresh air. Great, a dead end. I just trapped myself with a bunch of dudes. I quickly pull out a cigarette, spark it, and inhale ever so deeply. Oh how I wish this was weed right now. Then, without a warning, I was already wishing for something else. Her, she was standing right there, leaning against the rail smoking with three other guys. Wow, what in the hell is she doing out here? So I just stood there, smoking casually, meeting her gaze a couple of times. She then leans towards the big guy to her right and tells him something. Fuck, was I staring? No way, I was making sure I wasn't! Oh no, oh no, she's slowly walking towards me. I'm totally getting flustered, hella shit going through my head's too late, she's here, right in front, staring straight at me.
The Conversation
"Uh, hey."
"You come here a lot huh?"
"I guess so, you work here right?"
"Please, you know the answer to that."
Suddenly I hear someone calling my name. Dammit! It's my co-worker telling me she's going on break.
To be continued...tonight.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
You would think being over 21 you and your homies would be a lot more mature than you were three years ago. Hah, wrong! I always know what I'm getting myself into when I drive down to SJ to kick it with stupidity fun. Who else would sit around a table till 4 am finishing a bottle of absinthe, telling each other shit, then going to one room to spoon for a minute, and wake up to drink again at 7 am. The next day, when people left for work, the only people that stayed at the condo were the ones that doesn't even live there... and what did we do during the day? Play cards, have pillow talks, try to do some voodoo shit, eat hella, watch a movie and then jump around on our friend's bed to some Nsync...completely sober. If you are as broke as us, then you have to have good company to just be able to kick it at one place.
Six of us, as we call it, are the filipino cast of Friends. True that.
*sigh* but all this fun with the homies leaves me with a broken foot.
Yes, I'm being Sir Limp-a-lot right now.
So people, love your homies because they love you!
To the homies who are scattered across the globe...I MISS YOU.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
the first post
- No actually. My first blog ever was on Xanga and I had it since I was a freshman in high school.
So why start a new one when you already have one?
- Change. People change and they grow up. Half of my subscribers on Xanga are people from the past that I don't even talk to anymore. Plus, I want a fresh start.
What kind of blog would this be?
- Personal, political and professional.
Why did you choose "Trina E. in The City" as your title?
- I am Trina E. living in the city of San Francisco.
Tell us more about yourself.
- Well, I'm pure blooded Filipina, born on the Islands but raised as an American Air Force Brat. Lived in Texas and California during my early years but basically grew up in Germany. Visited majority of the countries in Europe and also Japan from time to time. Currently, I'm a senior at SFSU taking up a degree in photojournalism.
Why do photojournalism?
- I've changed my majors about three times already and when I found out that my school has a great journalism department, I checked it out. I've always loved photography but never thought I would make a career out of it. I decided that since you only live once, why not do what you love to do? I want to meet as much people as I can, travel and show the world how "fucked up" and beautiful it is.
Well that's a start.