Wednesday, November 26, 2008


My assignment to photograph couples using a two-light set-up:

Joey & Vanessa

Maihien & MJ

More on my flickr ----->

Monday, November 17, 2008

single ladies

Haha! Justin Timberlake is HILARIOUS ... lovers him!

SNL skit:

Friday, November 14, 2008

Dia De Los Muertos

Here's a couple of shots that I took from Dia De Los Muertos, the Day of the Dead down in the Mission on September 2. Interesting how I thought this was a vastly Latino celebration but from what I saw ... was more whites than people of color celebrating it. More drunks than people chillin' and remembering their dead. I don't know, I just felt like it was another excuse for people to party in the Mission [I swear I saw at least a couple of folks on something] or another form of what gentrification is doing to this neighborhood.

To end the night, I had to walk around for an hour trying to find my car. Found it when my classmate had to drive down to the Mission to pick me up and drive me around to look for it ... it so happened to be parked only a block away. WTF Trina!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Angry Black White Boy

Last night I was taken to see the play "Angry Black White Boy" at The Intersection for the Arts on Valencia. Boy was it great! I enjoyed the old school hip-hop references to the racism message. The beat-boxing, dancing and rapping was off the hook that it made me bob my head like I was at a hip-hop show. The play was a great turn out that they extended it for one more week so I definitely recommend you all to go see it while it's here!

If you're a hip-hop head, you will mos def enjoy the show. TRUST.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

remember the 4th of November

The 4th of November is history in the making, the passing of the torch from one generation to another, from the old white folks towards the young and people of color. It took one hell of a time but it finally happened. You can see how our nation is changing, developing and how we as a country came to this point to bring forth a president of change. Barack Obama is not just a president of color but rather a symbol that represents a multitude of things to the people in this nation.

He has one fuckin' load to deal with once he's in office so don't complain when you don't see the change he promises right away. Come on people, it's not going to take one term for everything to change ... we just need to work our way out of the damn mess that the fool put us in with his eight year reign.

I admit, I got a little too emotional when I was folding my laundry and watching the election. As soon as Obama came on stage with his family, I knew everything was already different. A family of color on stage in front of the world, ready to become a leader of one of the most powerful countries ... wow. No surprise now if a woman becomes our next president. I watched how people from all over the country reacted to the news ... you can actually see the hope in people's faces. Oh and can you say CELEBRATION?! The Mission, the Castro and I'm sure all over the world people used this victory for an excuse to party. Amazing.

[photos taken from flickr]
As a journalist, I stood outside the Salvation Army Hall on Valencia Street on the day of the election asking exit polling questions. From white to people of color, from young to old, people poured into the Hall to vote and have their opinions matter in this year’s election. Choosing who is going to be our nation’s next president was not the only important issue to vote for, but propositions like 4 and 8 were among the most important ones for residents in the Mission.

“There’s a lot of big issues in this year’s election, but personally for me, it’s Prop. 4 and 8,” said Kevin Schuter who lives down the block from the Salvation Army Hall. “Everyone has a choice and everyone has a right for equality.”

People in the Mission felt strongly about Prop. 8 and believe that everyone should have equal rights, which brought many supporters of gay marriage to the polls.

“No on Prop. 8. Why? I’d like to stay married,” said Joe as he raised his left hand to reveal a wedding band.

In the end, there was no hesitation in people's expression and answer when asked whom they voted for.

“Obama of course,” said Joe with a satisfactory smile.

** Hey if you find a news paper for Weds, Nov. 5 .... can I buy it off you?!

Monday, November 3, 2008

family portraits

Here's a few of my family. Oh how we are crazy ... oh so crazy. <3

the cuzzo
the lil' cuzzo

I have one hell of a family on my dad's side, but I love them. Never a dull moment.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

don't vote

Once again...